Links to Useful Websites

Open Air Laboratories
The Open Air Laboratories (OPAL) network is a UK-wide citizen science initiative that allows you to get hands-on with nature, whatever your age, background or level of ability. Look at the ID Guides and Learning sections for downloadable resources.

The RSPB works not just to protect birdlife but also in the general area of conservation. There are lots of resources for teachers to be found here.

Woodland Trust
Working to protect woodlands. There are some useful resources here.

Royal Society of Chemistry
Ideas for teaching chemistry set in a context.

The Ogden Trust
Largely aimed at physics teachers this site does have some useful resources to support how to work scientifically across the programmes of study for science at KS1 and KS2.

Primary upd8
Primary upd8 is a series of science activities for 5-11 year olds. Each is based on an event or everyday life context to help links to the skills of how to work scientifically. These activities are free as part of ASE Primary Membership.

science4families offers primary teachers and families activity ideas for how to learn science together, in engaging, fun and inspirational way.

Association for Science Education
The ASE is the largest subject group in the UK and supports teachers with all age ranges from pre-school to higher education.

Free resource- consisting of engaging, creative science activities designed to spark curiosity, discussion and debate.

Great Science Share for Schools
An annual campaign to inspire young people to share scientific questions.

Hamilton Science
Hamilton’s science scheme uses hands-on investigative science activities to promote a deep understanding of scientific concepts and help children develop effective methods of scientific enquiry.

Primary Science Teaching Trust
PSTT is a charitable trust helping to improve the teaching and learning of primary science across the UK.

Primary upd8
Primary upd8 is a series of science activities for 5-11 year olds. Each is based on an event or everyday life context to help links to the skills of how to work scientifically. These activities are free as part of ASE Primary Membership.

Reach Out CPD
Free online CPD for teachers.

science4families offers primary teachers and families activity ideas for how to learn science together, in engaging, fun and inspirational way.

STEM Learning
Resources, ideas and support for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. This link will take you to the Primary Science resource section.

The Ogden Trust
Largely aimed at physics teachers this site does have some useful resources to support how to work scientifically across the programmes of study for science at KS1 and KS2.

The Royal Institution
A charity aimed at connecting people with the world of science.

UCL Institute of Education
The Science Capital Teaching Approach is designed to support teachers in helping students find more meaning and relevance in science and, as a result, engage more with the subject.